Anxiety and depression seem to go hand in hand with each other. Where there’s one, the other is usually nearby.
At normal levels, anxiety is a force that helps propel us forward in life. It can, however, get out of control and inhibit our lives instead. Anxiety comes in many forms, whether that is a fear of spiders, or the social anxiety that prevents you from going out socializing with your friends, it’s far more common than you might think.
Depression often develops along with increasing anxiety. As anxiety gets more serious, it can contribute to feelings of helplessness and loss of control over your life. Fortunately, many of the same tools we use to address anxiety issues are also effective for addressing depression symptoms. We also should not ignore Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which can affect us as the days grow shorter, and the sunlight isn't as powerful. Left untreated, it can really hinder our ability to function.
There are well established methods for treating anxiety and depression, and they are effective. We recognize that anxiety is often part of your life, and take the time with you to help you unwind your anxiety so that treatment is more effective.
We offer both individual and group therapy options for treatment of anxiety and depression.

Group Therapy
It may sound like a contradiction, but for some, group therapy is a more effective way to approach anxiety. The support of both the facilitating therapist and your peers in the group are powerful agents of positive change.
Using a well established group therapy approach for anxiety, we will work together to help you face your anxieties and develop new strategies for coping.
Contact us for details on our next intake for the Anxiety Group.
Contact Us
Overcoming anxiety and depression is a matter of steps. The first step is to contact us, by phone or e-mail, and arrange a consultation.